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Links and awards have been updated. More people have won my award, and I'm linking more people. Later.
Ahhh... it's been ages since I updated. Hits are going down(100+ a day). Well, today I made Mr. Mackey. I am working on a picture of Kelly in Rainforest Shmainforest.
Whee. Finally, a 3D update. This time I made Craig! He wasn't very hard. I got the idea from PokePark, an unpopular site with nice content. PokePark makes 3D and 2D graphics too... like me. Oh well. Bye.
The surprise is up! The surprise is actually a fan fiction story made by me. E-mail me if you want illustrations on the story. Also, I made Chef in 2D, go see it here.
I made Pip! This little British kid that everyone thinks is a French guy. He's in the drawings section. Thats the update for today... or maybe later I'll update.
I got new screen shots of Rainforest Shmainforest. They should be up now, go to the Ep. Images section to see them. Well, the surprise had to be delayed because I have to do some things to it. I promise I'll be up soon.
Wow a week without updating. Actually, I did some updating at my AcmeCity account. It's almost ready. The new URL is http://tv.acmecity.com/smallscreen/261. I'm moving because FortuneCity has that stupid advertisment banner on every one of my pages.
South Park Mix still didn't take off my Mr. Hanky picture. Folks, please e-mail him at [email protected] and tell him not to use my pictures. I made Cindy Lou Poo in the episode Merry Christman Charle Manson. Go and see it NOW !
The South Park Mix stole my picture of Mr. Hanky. You wanna see the picture he jacked and posted on his site? This is the picture... click here. Here is the screenshot of SPMIX posting it on his site. Well... you know what? The webmaster didn't draw that 3D picture. Don't believe him. The webmaster TACO didn't even give me the credit. Now you know what SPMIX is all about? About stealing pictures and not crediting them. Remember Kenny's Kingdom's 3D picture of Terrance and Phillip? He stole that too, and... oh I could go on and on. Whew. Well don't go to his site and spread the word. Yeah. Yeah. Spread the gospel! Heh. Heh. Heh. That was a joke. His site URL is http://****.to/*****. You figure it out.
Ahh... freakin' FortuneCity has that STUPID banner advertisement th ey put up on top of my website. It keeps coming back... just like those Geocities pop-ups. I'm getting an acount at AcmeCity. It's just like FortuneCity... 20 Megs of free space. Well... today I made Cartman without his hat. Go and see it NOW !. I hope that AcmeCity doesn't have those stupid banners.
HUGE update! I've been working on this site called SP Logos, and finally its ready. I didn't steal a layout for that site. I was messing around with HTML until I found a decent layout. Its amazing what you can do in 2 days. Well... finally the site URL is http://lavender.fortunecity.com/rampling/184 . Hope you like the site!
Hmmm... I'm not really into wrestling, but I made Golga in 3D. He's pretty easy to make. Just a warning... just because I made Golga doesn't mean I'm gonna make more Wrestlers. I have this friend Mike that needs help on his webpage. First, I don't know which e-mail address he uses.. Second, his site is called "The South Park Death Ri ng." Third, I can't help him much because I have to work on this site. So someone help him and he'll be very happy. Also, he needs help on HTML.
I'm sorry to say this site is down. I'm not going to spend anymore time on it. This is my last update... I'll still make logos and banners but... APRIL FOOLS! Got you there for a moment didn't I? Heh, heh, heh. Well I g ot another 3D picture for you. This time I made... ( trumpets sound) Chef! Got a NEW animation for you. It's an April Fools day picture. It right over here.
Ahhhh... finally an update. There is a new original. I added Merry Chistmas Charlie Manson pictures. The ones you can't get at Beef- Cake.com. I captured them myself so don't steal them. My Merry Chri stmas Charlie Manson images has Cartman without his hat! Go and see them now!
Finally an update! I was thinking about quiting this site and sell it. Well, I didn't want to disappoint all my fans, so I made a new layout. I'm not finished with it yet, but if you want to see the new layout, click here. I made Cartman Singa... and an animation with Kenny in it!
Exclusive St. Patricks Day picture for tomorrow! When this page first loads, you'll see Cartman holding up a sign! If the picture didn't load correctly, click here. I'm adding it to the 3D picture section right now, so go see it now! I'm also writing a story about Staneo and Wendiett. It's based on the story Romeo and Juliet. That should be exciting. Well, I'll try to draw a 2D picture and finish the story tomorrow.
I put a new counter up on top of the side bar , because people were acusing my counter at the bottom of this page was a fake. So, for those who said my other counter was a fake, I got a new counter and they could watch it grow.
Finally a 3D update! I made a 3D Cartman as a Cheesy Poof. So go to the three-D picture section. Maybe Cartman as a Cheesy Poof is my best picture. Well, I took down the pop- ups because they were crashing other people's computers.
Ahhh... something happened to my computer... I'm not gonna tell what happened cause the person that did it will like diss this site forever. Well... I haven't been updating much cause of the so called 'incident.' I updated the animation section. I made Ike flying around. Go to the animation section to check it out. And ladies and gentlemen... the contest is on! Enter the contest NOW and get a free logo or banner! Your choice! Enough advertising... Anyways, I updaed the link section.
I labeled some pages... you can see the label thing when this page first loads... if you want to see the label for this page... click here.
Sorry for not updating... I made a NEW Cartman 3D picture. Go to the three-D pictures section to see them. I also made another SP Sumo Wrestler! Go to the updated SUMO section to see them. I promise I'll have that contest tomorrow. Now go voting section !!
I got a webring... it's called "The South Park Originality Webring." If you want to join it, clickhere. Pretty original name huh? =) Well... if you think it's any old webring, it's not. Your site has to have 6 or more original features. ( Links, Guestbook, credits, awards, or webrings don't count as original features.) Well, I haven't posted up my new banner the day before yesterday, so I'm posting it up right now. It took my about 15 minutes to make. Well... I'll try to update tonight.
I got some animations for you... notice that the animations section is in the original column? I also made Tweek. Go to the picture section to see Tweek, and go to the Animation section to see my animations. I made a new button/banner too! Check it out!
I almost got the contest up! It's going to be a "Who said that?" game. I know, I know... it's corny, but anyone that can answer 10 questions out of 15, will get a logo. I made Cartman as a lady... you know in Huntin' and Killin'? Hopefully, I'll have the contest up by tonight.
Hey! I'm thinking up making a contest. Who ever wins will get a logo made by me. Since I'm not able to make all the logos I'm asked to, I'll have a contest. I also made Mr. Hat... this is a pretty short update... mmmkay .
Drawing update!... again. I made the Helicopter guy and the Australian Guy in Prehistoric Ice Man. The helicopter guy turned out well. WAIT! Don't go another section yet... I made Cartman hunting crocodiles... well? What are you waiting fo r? Go to the drawing section and see them!
I made a new Ike and Cartman as a cheesy poof... the last Ike I made was crummy, so I made a new one. I also resized all my images. I got AOL Instant Messenger. My screen name is zorg804. Wow... alot of people are asking for logos and banners. Know whats weird? I made a logo for Zero Divide's Realm, and he wants another one! I'll t ry to make every happy. Some sites suck, so I'm not making anything for them. If you have a 4 or 5 star site on the links section, and need a logo, just e-mail me. I'll gladly make one for you. 1 thing, you HAVE to have 5 or more original features on your site for me to make you as banner. Guestbook, links, and webrings don't count as original features.
I made the prehistoric ice man picture. I also made Cartman as a dodgeball player. I made a quiz page. Test your SP knowledge! If you answer all 10 of 'em right, you can access the secret page. Or... the URL is somewhere on the this page...
I mad e a grou p shot of Stan, Cartman, and Kyle. I couldn't fit Kenny in there... sorry. Go to the to check them out. I also made a links names section. It's a guide for people that want to make a South Park Site and afraid their site name might be stolen. I have another new section up, but I'm not going to tell you what it is... yet. I'm making a n ew SP site... I just started on it. It's called the South Street Journal.
3D UPDATE AGAIN! I made Larry from Prehistoric Ice Man. Well, Larry is the prehistoric ice man. I also made Frosty from the SOXmas. Frosty is well... not hard to make. 3 circles, top hat, eyes, arms, and eyes are all you need to make. I'll try to update more.
MAJOR 3D AND FAN ART UPDATE! I added a fan art section. I also made Kenny skewered on the flagpole, Kyle, Stan, and Spooky Fish! Go to the rather large 3D pictures section to see them. Well... my sister thinks Spooky Fish is cute.
Kenny! I made Kenny in 3D!... again. It's MUCH better than the other 3D pics... infact, maybe the best 3D picture I ever made. I'm still making logos... you want a logo? E-mail me. Don't just say, "Hi, I'm Sid, make me a logo, make it say, SP Central on it." Uh uh! That won't work. Specify the colors, the size, what you want on it, and in 3D or not. I'm thinking about putting up a FanArt section. I got a new URL, it's http://cartman.plasmic.com. It has that ANNOYING top frame... well, I guess you have to take the bad with the good.
Ahhhh... I made ALOT of new icons, lemme see, I made, Tweek, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, the SP Baby's, Damien, and a few more. I also joined the South Park Banner Exchange. I gotta get more hits... 23,970 isn't that much people.
I made Baby Cartman and Stan's evil clone. I also zipped the icons(i made a few more).
I made Cartman Sumo icon and Kenny icon.
I made a new Sumo wrestler. AND Tweek and Clyde frog icons. The new SOTW is SP Realm! Congrats.
MR. GARRISON!!!!! I made Mr. Garrison! Click here to see him. I also made some icons... they're at the icon section... sorry, only for Windows. If you want to see the icon section, click here. I made SP SUMO Wrestlers!!! Cool huh? Click here to see them. I made 2 so far.
If you wondering if I voted on my voting poll, I didn't. Know why? I programmed it so you can only vote once. I also made Celine Dion and Ned. Go to the drawing section to see them. I'll post Mr. Garisson on later. Now, VOTING section to vote.
I drew Kenny and baby Kenny. Mr. Garrison is ALMOST ready. I wonder what I should draw next... I know this isn't a huge update but I just wanted to inform you guys. I also made the T&P referee animation. Click here to see it. I think it's the best animation I ever made.
DRAWING UPDATE!!!! ... again. I made the Gnome this time. I also made Tweek, but it's in South Park New Zealand's Too Much Tweek section. I'm working on Mr. Garrisson. He should be ready tomorrow. Anyways, VOTE AT THE POLL SECTION!!! I also made my site a new logo. Click here to see it.
I made the voting poll... go vote now! This is your own opinion... so don't be afraid to pick what you think. I'll update this later... about... lemme see... 9:00 PM WST.
This isn't a huge update... but I'll post it anyways. I drew Brian Boitano, Fluffy, Damien, and Clyde Frog. Go to the drawings section now! I'll be making new 3D pics soon... don't worry! I'm just making these pictures because my trial version of Paint Shop Pro 5 will run out soon. I'm thinking of making Mr. Garrison in 3D. Just to lets you guys know! I'll be putting up a voting thing up soon... it will be about how good/bad quality my pictures are.
I got more time to draw! I made Bebe, Shelley, baby Kyle, and Officer Barbrady. Go to the drawing section to see them. I think Stan as a baby is the best thing I ever drew... I'll make Cartman and Kenny as babies later.
I made Kyle's mom, stan as a baby, and Wendy puckering up for a kiss! You can go and see them in my drawings section. Also, I've been trying to get my site listed in Yahoo. Anyone that can get my site in Yahoo in less than 1 month, e-mail me. I'll make a banner/logo for the person that gets my site in Yahoo.
7:15 PM I got the Weight Gain 4000 section up AND the Site of the Week sections up. If you want me to add your link on the Link section, e-mail me at [email protected]
Hey... notice I made the Cartman Animation? I made it with Animation Shop.
I made a how to draw Cartman animation. If you want to see him click here. I also made my site a new logo... click here to see it.
Ahhh... I fianally got a chance to update! I created a mailing list... if you want to join, click here.
I'm sailing away to Fortunecity! They offer more space and I'm switching servers to FortuneCity. Click here to go to my new URL. Its not done yet so bear with me. Have you noticed that I made Tweek? Click here. When you go to the Tweek picture, notice that it's in FortuneCity?
Ay! I made a new picture of my self the ![]() ![]()
I accidently deleted my main page! Now I'm making a new one... If you guys weren't here when I posted the latest updates up, I made a 3D Kenny. I made Starvin' Marvin also. My old awards were kinda getting crummy, so I changed them into 3D...have you noticed that I changed the logo?
I just made a 3D Mr. Hat. I admit he isn't very good, but who cares? I also changed the images on the menu bar. I made them in 3D instead of the plain 2D stuff.
I made Mr. Hanky today. Big whoop. I think I created him pretty well, so I put him up. If you want to see the Christmas Poo, click here. I got the Kenny's Deaths section up. You know, the usual thing people have on their site? So, e-mail me at [email protected] to give me suggestions for what new 3D character to make... or 2D picture.
Maybe I shouldn't put this update up... I just wanted you people to know that I made a 3D Cartman today. No, I didn't make just the head I made the whole body. So don't laugh because this is my first attempt. If you want to see him, click here.I also made a Chinese dodgeball player. He also has a full body. If you want to see the dodgeball player, click here. I'm getting rid of all the updates today so if you want to see the old updates, click here.
It hasn't been that long since I last updated this. I made a new 3D Stan and 3D Cartman whining. You can go to the section to see them. I also made a new , since the old one was kind of crooked.
I created a main characters page today. I won another award. Alright, I'm am NOT going to accept an award I didn't apply for. Some people just want to suck up to me so they'll get on the Top 25 list.
I won another award today. Thanks to South Park Stuff. My 3D program got screwed up, so I'm going to have to uninstall it then install it again.
Today I made a new award called the "Barky Award." It's for those above-average sites. You can go to the my award section check it out. Anyways, I just made a logo for South Park Realm yesterday.
I totally redid my page. I got rid of the frames and I did something else to it. Plus my counter broke down to 3. How sad.
It's a new year! Someone finally won my award! I updated my drawings section...AND my section. I did a major update on the left side of the frames. Please DO NOT take the frames graphics.
I put on hyperlink hover text instead of just plain old underlined text. The Kick the Baby game is much better than the Cartman Game. At least I think it is...
I made a new logo for my site with Simply 3D,a 3D software. I am making graffix for other sites now. Please email me to make you a graphic. I added a Homemade drawing section, I've also added more pictures of food in my Cartman Game.
I changed the layout for the "Beef-cake" Nav Bar. I used images instead of text. I'm going to make a Kick the Baby game soon. It will come out in Feb. 1, 1999.
Today I added a "Submit your Kenny story" thing. I also took out the main page graphics, and all that stuff you didn't want to see. Oh yeah, nobody has won my award yet... click here. That was the update for today.